Reiki Therapeutic Benefits


Reiki has many therapeutic benefits. Japanese in origin, Reiki translates to “spiritually guided life force energy.” My intention as your Reiki practitioner is to best serve your energy and your wholeness.  


Reiki healing addresses the body’s energy anatomy. Because everything in your body has energy – your cells, your organs, your thoughts, your emotions – vibrating at different frequencies, Reiki benefits the whole. During a session (and often days following a session), you, the receiver, may experience feelings of peace, well-being, insight, and an improvement in the quality of your life force energy.

During a Reiki session, we’ll talk briefly, and then, you get to relax and receive. Fully clothed, propped by pillows, blankets, you will lay supine while healing music plays in the background. I move my hands intuitively, placing them gently on or above your body. When complete, if you like, we’ll discuss your experience. 

Reiki Classes – Interested in Learning Reiki?

I offer small in-person classes several times a year and upon request.

Reiki 1 (First Degree)
Reiki 2 (Second Degree)
Reiki 3 (Master Teacher)

CONTACT me to schedule or inquire about classes

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